Well, I have to speak the truth: My sons and I did not like “Frozen.”
When we first saw it, I thought it was just me who didn’t like it and I had to stop myself from audibly exclaiming, “What!?” when things did not make sense and I rolled my eyes a LOT and felt bad that they might be enjoying it and here I was, Scrooge-ing away. But then the truth came out. They didn’t like it. Phew. Dodged that bullet.
How did this come about? My best friend had “Frozen” on DVD and on a particularly bad parenting day that she witnessed (i.e. I may have told her I thought I was going to burn a fuse in my brain or have an aneurysm just trying to make it through the upcoming 24 hours), she urged me to just give myself a break and put on “Frozen” for my boys. So we watched it.
In true Mayim/Scrooge fashion, here are the things I disliked about “Frozen.” I should note that I don’t care for musicals really at all, so that was one strike against this movie in the first place, but I will leave the explanation of my disdain for musicals for another post.
Music aside, here are my three main issues:
1. Plot/Feminism?
Sure, it’s sort of hidden, but the search for a man/love/Prince is still the reigning plot line in the movie, as it is with pretty much all movies for young people which are animated. The sister’s desire to marry this guy she just met, and the other sister getting mad at her–we still have a plot about the identification of a woman being based on her desire and search to meet a man.
Of course, in general, in the Universe, heterosexual women tend to want to meet men and I am one of those women. My issue is not that. My issue is that this is a movie geared to small children who I don’t think need to be focusing on that as the main driving plot of a movie, especially when it’s not a literary or historically-based fairy tale. And these characters are young; certainly not old enough in my socially conservative opinion to be searching for mates!
I’ve had just enough already with this finding a man business in most every kids’ movie. Disney classics were all about this and look where it’s gotten us! Naked billboards of singers and women still not paid equal pay for equal work and ridiculous standards of beauty and body image and campaigns such as “Why I Don’t Need Feminism” and tons of other things proving we still have a ways to go.
Am I taking this all too seriously? Of course I am! That’s because I’m me!
2. Denouement/Male Bashing?
Denouement is French for the unfolding of a story–the final unraveling, as it were. What happens in “Frozen”? The Prince/hero turns out to be a scheming villain. He pretended to love her and then he double crosses her and she gets the lesson taught to her not to trust those nasty scheming conniving men. Because you know, men can’t be trusted? Meh.
Source: www.kveller.com
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