You want Halloween movies to watch online, but the wide world of Netflix Instant can prove to be an intimidating place if you don’t already know what you’re looking for.
For those of you that want to spend All Hallows’ Eve (or All Hollows’ Eve Eve) inside watching a scary movie or two, it might be helpful to know which films are already at your fingertips.
For your convenience, we’ve split the films into two spook-tacular categories. Below is our selection of fairly recent movies that are bound to send a chill up your spine. Classic horror and monster movies can be found on the next page if you’re in the mood for some good ol’ fashioned silent horror.
Why it’s perfect for Halloween viewing:
Adding another notch to the ever-expanding belt of vampire sub-genres, Let the Right One In chose to explore the dark and compelling life of a scared vampire child. You won’t find too many cheap scares in this adaptation, but what you’ll get is a legitimately deep and horrifying examination of the vampire condition.
The character interaction is what’s terrifying in this vampire film. While most horror places its roots in the conventions of the genre, Let the Right One In comes off as more of a love story. It’s a twisted, wicked, manipulative, and survivalist love story, but it’s still a love story nonetheless.
Vampire movies are a dime a dozen in the after-wave of the recent vamp-pocalypse, but Let the Right One In separates itself from the bunch by being a challenging, atmospheric, and emotional spin on a familiar icon of horror.
There’s much more going on in this mind-bending psychological mystery than just Halloween. Frank the giant bunny is freaky enough to creep into a person’s imagination long after watching, and the Halloween themed climax may help you get into the holiday spirit.
More than that, Donnie Darko might actually be helpful in imparting a few last minute Halloween costume ideas. Maybe you could scrawl “They made me do it” across a T-shirt, or maybe you can go as Grandmother Death.
Anything is better than that stupid man suit.
There was once a time when the original Paranormal Activity was available on Netflix Instant streaming, but alas, that time is no longer. Aside from the potential conspiracy at hand (WHERE ARE OUR FAVORITE MOVIES, NETFLIX??), this means that the standard viewer has two choices at hand. Paranormal Activity 2 and Paranormal Activity 3.
Between the two, we would choose the former for its ability to stay as viscerally terrifying as the first installment without moving into “we’re going to say Bloody Mary into the mirror three times and hope nothing bad happens” territory.
Like Paranormal Activity, Paranormal Activity 2 will not only scare you during your viewing, it will haunt you even when you’re hiding under your covers late at night.
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