Motivated by her love of meeting people and ensuring outstanding customer satisfaction, Chicago-native Jordan Reynolds now calls Century City home in her role as Event Sales Manager at Pink Taco and has a dream of taking herself to the skies.
What you do in Century City?
I am the Event Sales Manager at Pink Taco. My responsibilities involve booking all events on and off site, community outreach, and marketing programming, and implementation. Basically I plan parties and build relationships over tacos and margaritas!
What motivated you to get into the role?
I am passionate about hospitality – I believe in working hard to make others happy. There is nothing more rewarding than doing something to make someone else smile. I am afforded the opportunity to help others plan something really special – whether it’s a birthday party, rehearsal dinner, or a simple happy hour after work.
Where did it all begin for you career-wise?
I grew up in the Chicago suburbs, and moved downtown to earn my Bachelor’s Degree from DePaul in Business and Economics. I stayed in the city while I earned my Master’s Degree in Urban Planning. While going to school I worked in restaurants and developed a passion for the service industry. Chicago has an amazing culinary scene, and I was able to learn and grow in the service industry.
What do you love about Century City? Where is your favorite place to eat/exercise/take a break from the office in the area?
I love the energy. There are so many people that come into this part of LA to work every day, and they bring with them an incredible energy. My favorite place is the bench area in front of Pink Taco. It has a great view and sometimes I just need a little fresh air.
If you could add one thing to the area what would it be and why?
A track – I love to run outdoors and usually do so after work. In the winter I bring my running gear to work so I can go right after I leave the office. It would be great to have a track to run on.
What do you do in you spare time?
I spend a lot of time with my friends. Part of the reason I’ve always tended towards hospitality is that I love people. I enjoy hosting dinners and entertaining – I get to spend time cooking and prepping for all of my friends to come over. My favorite nights are when I try a new recipe and everyone, including me, loves it!
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