Famous Greek Actress Lily Papagianni Passes Away

October 27, 2020 – 05:57 am

lily-papagianniLily Papagianni was one of the most stylish actresses in Greece. Whether she was playing the role of a friend, a widow, or a lover she always looked incredibly elegant and aristocratic. The famous Greek actress passed away on Tuesday, May 12, at the age of 80 years.

She had studied drama at the School of Art Theatre and the first performance took place in 1957, when she participated in Aristophanes’ “Pluto.” That same year Papagianni met and married her husband, Greek actor Andreas Filippides. Together they formed a troupe which lasted until 1965, and then worked with the National Theatre of Northern Greece until 1969.

Lily Papagianni rose to fame when she took part in well-known Greek films such as “Dis Diefthyntis” and “Mia trelli… trelli oikogeneia.”

In recent years she stayed away from the public eye. She preferred the company of her husband. They were inseparable, until his death in January 1989.

“Lilly Papagianni was well-known for her elegance. She could not stand the passing of time, it hurt her. She suffered from an ‘illness’ that many actresses, who used to be beautiful, have when growing older, ” noted one of her close friends.

Source: greece.greekreporter.com

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